An old bungalow turned into a contemporary showroom in one of the world’s most beautiful cities and that too, just a walk away from the lakeside – is quite a story. To add to the delight, we work with some of the most creative craftsmen of Rajasthan and exhibit their works in the Indune Store – brick and mortar of our dream. From when we started the store in 2013 and until now, when someone walks in – admiring this trove of treasures – we smile like it’s our first customer. From tastemakers to gift-seekers; thoughtful tourists to city’s dwellers, a conscious audience visit us day-to-day. Their evolving taste and love for fair trade inspires us to create. We invite you to take a tour, admire to your heart’s content, and delve into the works of artisans who strive to preserve the wonderful crafts of India through skill and love.